Teaching Using Digital Cameras

Title: Teaching Using Digital Cameras

Date & Time: June 2nd and 9th. 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM


Lawrence Esplin - lawrence.esplin@washk12.org

Scott Nowling - scott.nowling@washk12.org

WSCD Technology Trainers

Location: Technology Lab

Site URL: https://sites.google.com/a/washk12.org/digitalcamera

or go.washk12.org/digitalcamera


Designed for teachers, this class focuses on using a digital camera as an educational tool. We first provide a foundation of what a digital camera is and how it works. Next, we assist participants with practical skills needed to use the cameras. Finally, we offer general ideas for application and specific project-based learning examples for effectively using this technology tool. Bring your digital camera (or borrow one) and learn the basics of taking digital photos. See a demonstration, take pictures, and practice transferring the images from the camera to your computer for editing. Use Picasa for basic image editing, and learn to prepare images for printing. Learn how to create multimedia presentations with your photos using Photo Story 3. Evaluate possible projects, see how to assess students' work, and choose a project to develop during class.

Pre-requisites: Basic computer and Internet skills

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course participants will:

  • Identify and develop a project-based experience for their students using digital cameras.

  • Understand a variety of ways digital camera use can be integrated into their core curriculum and research-based classroom practices.

  • Be able to use digital cameras in a project that challenges students to reach higher levels of thinking based on BloomĂ­s taxonomy.

  • Understand how digital cameras work and be able to transfer the images from the camera to their computer.

  • Understand concepts for taking good photographs.

  • Be able to edit, enhance, and optimize images for print or web using Google Photo.

Things to Bring:

Optional: participants are encouraged to bring their own digital camera (Be sure to also bring the cables and software that came with the camera).

